Transforming College Coaching: Integrating Behavior Change Models for Enhanced Student Success

Mariama Abubakri, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Ava Peters, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession (ACTP)
Charlotte, NC
March 2024

College coaching includes many positions (peer leaders, advisors, coaches, etc.) and is an imperative part of a student’s transition and success throughout their academic career. In the dynamic landscape of higher education, coaching can involve academic achievement and setbacks, study habits, time management, motivation, and goal creation and attainment. Integrating behavior change theory into coaching will create a structured approach to address the nuanced challenges students face.

The Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) of health behavior change is a foundational framework describing distinct stages of effective behavioral transformation. The TTM will be discussed as a way to tailor coaching to each stage of behavior change and guide students in strategic planning toward academic success. Complementing the TTM is the Integrated Behavior Model (IBM), a comprehensive framework encompassing intention, knowledge and skills, and salience. This model offers an understanding of the multifaceted nature of behavior change, providing academic coaches with a holistic toolset to address diverse challenges faced by students. The integration of these behavior change models equips coaches to facilitate positive, sustainable changes in student habits and goal attainment. Attendees of this workshop will be able to successfully apply the theoretical underpinnings of these models during academic coaching sessions.
[Link to Presentation]