Academic Skill Workshops

The UCAE offers a wide variety of workshops on topics that strengthen students’ academic success. These highly interactive workshops are led by staff and trained graduate students virtually, on-site, and across campus. You can click here for the workshop calendar. You are not required to pre-register for workshops and students will be admitted as they arrive until the workshop reaches capacity.

You should bring a student identification card to check in for in-person workshops. Late arrivals may not be admitted. Online workshops may require students to sign in with their NinerNet credentials.
All Workshop topics can be covered in an Academic Consultation.
Email Frank Benefield at or call 704-687-7837 with questions.
Workshop Topics
#StudyHacks and Test Prep
Discover ways to improve your grades, while learning how to process course content effectively and prepare for testing.
Bounce Back from Setbacks
Discover tips to help get you refocused and stay motivated throughout the semester.
Communicating with your Professor
Learn to communicate more effectively with your professor and develop a relationship that promotes academic success, along with tips on how to be successful and establish your presence in a large class.
Conquering Procrastination
Discover the origins of procrastination and strategies you can employ to combat procrastination in your academic and personal lives.
Goal Setting
Identify short- and long-term goals, and create a specific, realistic, and well informed action plan for achieving them.
Mindset and Motivation
Explore Growth Mindset and motivation and discover how perception can influence development in academics and beyond
NinerFocus: ADHD and UNC Charlotte
Learn about the CEO of the brain, executive function abilities, how to engage and strengthen these abilities that are critical to academic success
Pain-Free Presenting
Discover how to create a dynamic presentation and how your audience that you are truly a SUPERSTAR!
Resource Rundown
Increase your awareness of campus resources that promote academic success and a stronger connection to Niner Nation.
Science of Learning
Learn how to effectively align how the brain naturally learns with the demands of the college classroom. Workshop adapted from the ‘New Science of Learning’ by Terry Doyle and Todd Zakrajsek.
Stress Less
Increase your awareness and perception of stress. Identify resources to minimize stressors and improve wellbeing.
Time Management
Learn to effectively organize your time and tasks so you can accomplish your goals.
Tips for Better Note-taking and Reading
Maximize your note-taking and reading skills to grasp the main concepts and ideas from lectures and textbooks.