Campus Collaboration of Peer Leader Program Coordinators

Kimberly Rodgers, Director
Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession (ACTP)
Charlotte, NC
March 2024

UNC Charlotte has a rich tradition of fostering peer leadership within various academic support units. However, these programs are largely siloed within the offices that employ each group of peer leaders. Recognizing this challenge, program coordinators formed a grassroots collaborative committee in 2016 to bridge divisions, providing holistic support and addressing common challenges encountered by peer leaders across programs.

Since its inception, the Peer Leader Action Group has played a pivotal role in facilitating cross-departmental cooperation on critical matters such as employee orientation, the establishment of best practices, and providing timely support during unexpected on-campus situations.

This presentation will delve into the history of how the Peer Leader Action Group was formed, highlighting the factors that contributed to its success. It will also provide an overview of its noteworthy accomplishments to give a blueprint for fostering collaborative work between peer leader programs.
[Link to the Presentation]